Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator 15ml
Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator 15ml
Brand: Snufflebabe
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This Nasal Aspirator provides instant relief from nasal congestion. The award-winning medical device that allows you to physically clear mucus from your baby’s nose using a hygienic suction method. Plus, it includes a clever filter that prevents any gunk from ever finding its way to your mouth. This clever device offers instant relief from nasal congestion and helps to prevent further complications like ear infections, coughs, and stomach upsets. It is pediatrician approved and is so effective, it’s also available on prescription.
Snufflebabe’s Nasal Aspirator is suitable for use from birth and has been pediatrician approved. It’s completely clean and hygienic. The special filter attached means you can never suck back the mucus. It’s also very comfortable for your little one – you never have to put the nozzle directly into your baby’s nose; just near the nostrils. You are free to use this product as and when needed. If you notice your little one is experiencing congestive symptoms, perhaps use it on a nightly basis to clear symptoms as soon as possible. Always check the label or seek the advice of a pharmacist or doctor if unsure.
*Queen’s Award for Outstanding Innovation issued in 2008